
Another drive on the Autobahn! A long one this time. Enjoyed it more, and got more confident in the driving methods and speeds. Top Speed? 207. YAY.

Arriving in Salzburg we picked up our keys from a small (unique) hotel and restaurant, then drove to our flat. The place was HUGE! but up 2 or 3 flights of stairs. Fortunately, once you got up the first flight, there was an elevator. Thank goodness. One of our bags is REALLY HEAVY! LOL.

The place in Salzburg was beautiful! HUGE. 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths. A huge dining and living area as well as a big kitchen with an eat-in kitchen (with a big U-shaped booth!).

It was RIGHT across from the love-lock-bridge, so we got to see that right away (after parking the car). We unpacked, dressed and went to dinner next door in the biergarten. Unfortunately, it had started raining so we were inside. Food, as always, was great. As was the beer. And the wine. LOL.



The next day we immediately headed to the fortress and got some great views of Salzburg.




After that, we wandered around the area, and visited St  Peter’s chapel, cemetery and catacombs. The cemetery was SO BEAUTIFUL!!




We also saw a lot of shops and street vendors selling the usual touristy stuff. I liked these beer steins. I think my mom and dad had one, once upon a time



We headed home for a brief bit to regroup and rest. Lane stayed behind when Becky, Kaitlyn and I walked over to the Mirabell palace and gardens. We saw baby ducks (YAY) and a cool dwarf garden (check out these pics! We tried to pick ones that we thought matched our personalities).





This one (above) was for Lane

The one with the tongue sticking out is, of course, my spirit dwarf. HA!

The garden there was also crazy beautiful.




After that, we met Lane at the lock bridge and had a great seafood dinner at a place a little out of the way. Amazing place. No menu. Just look at the fishes on display, and pick one. They grill it simply and serve it with mixed veggies and potatoes. YUM! so good! Unfortunately, we got SOAKED getting home as it started raining and would not stop.

The next morning, sadly, we needed to get going to return the car in Munich and catch the train to Venice. ITALY, here we come!!



2 thoughts on “Salzburg”

  1. Thanks for the beautiful pics and more travel stories. Seems like a fairy tale! Glad you are experiencing the world and having such a good time.♥️

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