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About Us:

Lane is currently 13, I am currently 46 (yikes!).  We have been thinking about this trip since last Summer (June 2016) when I first asked Lane “If we could take off and travel the world for a year, would you want to do that?”. HA. A big YEAH!

A number of things make ‘now’ the right time. Aside from the obvious ‘carpe diem’ or perhaps in support of it. First, I wasn’t happy with my job and was going to change jobs anyway. I also know I wanted a break. Plus, I lost my very healthy, vibrant mother to cancer in September 2015, somewhat suddenly (3 months from fishing – on her own – on her boat, nearly every day, to gone forever). That kind of thing really makes you think. Really makes you realize how quickly things can change. PLUS, at this point, Laney doesn’t hate me (yet) as teenagers will eventually do. Later than now – we would run that risk. Wait until that’s passed? Too far away possibly. SO, OFF WE GO!

If you want to support our adventure, use some of these links when you book! – you get $25, we get $25.

Airbnb – you get $40 I get $20


Comments or questions are welcome.

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